Center For Ocular & Facial Prosthesis: India


FAQ for Custom Artificial Eyes

What material is used in making the eye?

They are made using dimensionally stable, medical quality PMMA (Acrylic). This material is compatible with being surgically inserted into the body, therefore allergies to the material are highly unlikely.

When will I get my prosthesis?
In six weeks after your surgery you will be fitted with a temporary prosthesis at the ocularist's office. On your second visit, approximately a year later, you will be fitted and receive your permanent prosthesis.

Will my prosthesis look like my other eye?
Yes, the prosthesis looks very natural. The color and appearance are made to match your other eye.

What kind of results can I expect?
Results vary from person to person and are dependent on factors such as age, type of surgery/implant, and general condition of the eye socket. See examples of actual patient results for a general idea of optimal results, however please discuss your anticipated results with the ocularist at our center.

Will people notice that I have an artificial eye?
Patient results vary from case to case, however many people have artificial eyes and successfully conceal this from the public (and in some cases, even from close family and friends!) Please share any concerns you have regarding the results of your prosthesis with your ocularist at our center.

Is the application of prosthesis painful?
In adults, or co-operative subjects, the fitting is not at all painful.

How often should I remove my prosthesis?
In the case of enucleation, routine removal of an ocular prosthesis is not recommended. As long as the prosthesis remains comfortable, it should not be removed. However, the prosthesis may accumulate residual mucous secretion deposits on its surface. These deposits warrant removal and cleaning. After following the recommended cleaning procedure, reinsert the prosthesis. It is important to minimize the frequency of removal. This seems to result in fewer problems with mucous discharge. Most people are able to keep the prosthesis in place until the next scheduled visit with the Ocularist. This can be for as long as six months. Your Ocularist and Ophthalmologist will help you decide an appropriate care plan.

How often do you have to see an ocularist?
The ocular prosthesis, like hard contact lenses, needs to be polished regularly in order to restore the acrylic finish and insure the health of the surrounding tissues. It is generally recommended that infants under 3 years of age be seen every 3 months; patients under 9 twice yearly, and all other patients at least once a year.

FAQ for Facial Prosthesis

How can I obtain a facial or ocular prosthesis?

Prostheses are custom made for the individual. They are not "off the shelf" items. Several appointments will be needed to create a safe and effective prosthesis that is also realistic in appearance. Please call +91 986 634 5851 to set up an appointment or consultation. We look forward to speaking with you.

Are prostheses covered by my health insurance?

Prostheses are considered durable medical equipment and are covered by most medical plans (including Medicare) under the DME rider portion of their policy in western world. 

How ever in Indian System it is not covered by any insurance of private or government body.

When can a prosthesis be made for me?

The patient will need to wait a period of time after surgery for healing to occur before treatment begins. It is preferable that all swelling subsides so the impression that is taken as the first step is accurate. Otherwise the final prosthesis will show noticeable gapping in previously swollen areas. The physician is consulted to determine when the patient is ready for prosthetic treatment.

How long does a prosthesis last?

The expected lifetime of the device is usually 1-3 years for an adhesive retained prosthesis; whereas osseointegrated prostheses tend to last 3-5 years. Since these are separate from the body and made from artificial materials, prostheses can be lost, damaged, or discolored by smoke and UV light. Subsequent remakes can be made using molds which are kept on file for the patient.

How does the prosthesis stay in place?

Retention of the prosthesis is one area that is of particular concern to the patient. Prostheses should be well retained to the tissues they cover.

Prostheses are removed daily, at the end of the day. They are not permanently attached to the site. Various methods of retention with different strengths are available.

These include: adhesive, attaching to glasses, tape and magnets, engaging anatomical undercuts, and osseointegrated implant fixtures (screws).

How is the method of retention chosen?

The retention method is considered during the treatment planning process and is chosen in consultation with the physician and patient based on factors such as age, visual acuity, manual dexterity, sensitivity of skin, and past radiation treatment.

What is "ossiointegrated retention"?    

Osseointegrated retention is considered state of the art. It is much less rigorous on the patient in that it does not require the patient to apply and remove adhesive on a daily basis. The patient simply attaches their prosthesis using a magnet or clip system.

How do I care for my prosthesis?

Your prosthesis requires daily care and maintenance procedures. Prostheses are removed on a daily basis, and the skin, osseointegrated implant abutments and prosthesis are cleaned. If required, adhesive is applied and removed on a regular basis.